
Agape mooc and website related resources

By Agape initiative in Templates R Resources

July 2, 2022

“Open source templates for course development along with quiz and certificate generator for everyone.”

All the resources under Agape initiatives are available under appropriate open source license for reuse without any time limit. The documentation and guides are available for easy re-use, replication and customisation of course creation, quiz and certificate generation.

During our initial phase, we realised the development of products that can self-sustain using open source/community licensed products challenging. Though services like EdX offer course development tools, we had limited funds to purchase subscriptions for hosting platforms. That’s why we are excited to share our resource with you. If you want to develop a * mooc, quiz and/or certificate generator*, please check out our github page. You can use this template to customise and create your own book/quizzes/Certificates. The how to guide for customising this template is also available with the template.

Posted on:
July 2, 2022
1 minute read, 144 words
Templates R Resources
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