A Mooc for PhDs by PhDs

By An Agape Initiative in mooc bookdown course

October 25, 2023

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“The mooc consists of key information on the practical elements of Open Science that is needed for the PhD journey, with associated learning activities”

The MOOC is developed as an independent work under Agape initiative. This is the first project of Agape and we focused on the creation of a massive online open course (MOOC) created by early career researchers (ECRs) for ECRs and other academics. The content of the MOOC is reviewed and beta-tested. The current version was launched in February 2023.

The passion for open science led us to the creation of a free online introductory course to open science for other PhD students and early career researchers. We wanted to share what we learned about open science and introduce this to as many other students as possible in a friendly and comprehensive way. We hope this is the first step in creating a community of practice in which we share our successes and failures of open science adoption in a safe space and continue to learn together.

After completing the course and passing the final quiz, each participant will obtain a Certificate of Completion that can be added to their CV or any application.

The MOOC has multiple surveys to gauge the requirements of open science enthusiasts and their experience with our MOOC for continuous improvement. We would like to collect feedback from diverse communities though the activities mentioned above.

This book is created using R Markdown and bookdown.

More details regarding the template and resources developed for this mooc is listed under the * Templates*.

Posted on:
October 25, 2023
2 minute read, 259 words
mooc bookdown course
See Also:
Open Science workshop